Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The new Scion FRS shot in New York City's meatpacking district last week.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Heidi Steele for Yokohama Tire

A new film I directed for Air Land and Sea Films, and Yokohama Tire.

Follow the light

     Like many photographers I often depend on mother nature to light a scene and having the ability to know where and when the sun is going to set is essential. Here is a way to tell how long before the sun is going to set. It's a trick I've used since long before the smartphone revolution and the availability of software like Sunseeker.
     It works like this... by holding your arm out at full extension and folding your hand inward in front of the horizon. The number of fingers between the horizon and the sun will tell you how long (approx) until it sets. Each finger representing about 15min... It actually works pretty good and makes you look like some sort of Navajo tracker.